
IPL Skin Rejuvenation

Skin Rejuvenation treatments offer a solution for all the visible signs of ageing caused by sun damage, such as brown spots (pigmentation), redness (thread veins) and uneven skin texture, lines and wrinkles.
The red carpet, celebrity loved HydraFacial is the only treatment that combines detox, cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, hydration and antioxidant protection simultaneously, for immediate, radiant results.

How does the treatment work?

Precisely controlled short pulses of light are released that target discolouration (brown and red lesions) to create a more youthful, even complexion. In addition, this light results in the stimulation of the fibroblast cells, leading to increased production of new collagen and elastin. This improves the texture of the skin, evening out lumps and bumps whilst reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles. If an Nd:YAG laser is used the skin will also become firmer, tighter and the appearance of scarring can be reduced.

What should I expect after the treatment?

Redness and a slight warming sensation are normal after treatment. A cooling pack is applied after treatment to calm the skin. You may see a darkening of any pigmented spots before they flake off, leading to a more even skin tone. Tightening of the skin should increase over the following months as new collagen is produced within the dermis.

How many treatments are necessary?

Treatments are carried out every 2 to 3 weeks and 6 treatments are recommended for best results. Thereafter, top-up sessions are performed as required, but typically once or twice a year.

From £95.00


Resurface Fractional Laser Skin Treatment

Fractional laser skin resurfacing provides total rejuvenation to give the skin a smooth, youthful and glowing appearance.

How does fractional skin resurfacing work?

The SF LED Mask uses 192 LED’s (light emitting diodes), often known as Low Level Light Therapy, to stimulate the facial cells, and kick starts a number of processes, which help rejuvenate the skin. This therapy is 100% safe, and doesn’t give harmful radiations and heat, unlike other laser treatments. It also doesn’t damage your skin, has absolutely zero side effects and recovery time.

How is the treatment carried out?

The skin is cleansed and the handpiece is moved over the skin delivering tiny microscopic laser beams. Typical treatment times vary depending on the skin condition and the area being treated, but will range from 10 to 40 minutes. After treatment the skin is cooled. Protective eyewear must be worn during treatment.

Am I suitable for treatment?

Treatment is suitable for most people and highly recommended for individuals wanting a brighter, more even skin tone, smoother skin texture with improved skin elasticity, a reduction of wrinkles, reduced pore size and improvement to scars (including acne scars) and stretch marks.

How does the treatment feel?

A warm, heating sensation is felt during treatment, with some mild stinging. After treatment the skin can be quite hot and so cooling packs are often utilised to minimise discomfort.


From £65

Skin Rejuvenation treatments offer a solution for all the visible signs of ageing caused by sun damage, such as brown spots (pigmentation), redness and uneven skin texture, lines and wrinkles


Q-Switched Lasers are considered by dermatologists to be the most effective, safe and reliable way to remove unwanted multi-coloured tattoos with consistent predictable results.

How does a tattoo removal laser work?

Q-Switched Lasers that generate a high powered beam of laser light in an extremely short pulse are the most suitable lasers for tattoo removal treatments. The very short pulse of high powered laser light is absorbed by the tattoo ink particles, breaking them down into smaller pieces, enabling your natural immune defences to absorb and disperse the ink. A gradual fading of the tattoo occurs over a series of treatments

How is the treatment carried out?

The skin will be cleaned and then the laser applicator is passed over the tattoo releasing quick pulses of light. An audible ‘clicking’ noise is often heard as the ink particles shatter. After treatment, a soothing lotion and a light dressing may be applied. During treatment protective eye wear will be provided.

How does the treatment feel?

Most patients describe the sensation as similar to a hot pin prick or the flick of an elastic band. Whilst mildly uncomfortable, most people tolerate treatment well. A skin cooling device may be utilised to reduce any discomfort.

How does the skin look after treatment?

An instant whitening of the skin is seen after treatment, but this generally fades quickly. The area is likely to feel tender for a few hours and can be red and swollen for up to 48 hours. Some tattoos will form a graze which must be left to heal naturally. Initially the tattoo is unlikely to look any different but will fade over the next 4 to 8 weeks as the body disperses it.

Are there any side effects?

Very rarely the skin may become lighter or darker, or a small blister may form. Change to skin texture and scarring is possible, though uncommon, and is more likely if any grazes are not allowed to heal naturally. There may be loss of the natural tanning ability in the area treated, which usually improves with time.

How many treatments are necessary?

This depends on several factors, including the density and colour of inks and the age of the tattoo. Amateur tattoos can be quick to remove, taking 1 to 6 treatments, whereas professional tattoos vary considerably and some can take up to 15 treatments. Treatment sessions are spaced 6 to 10 weeks apart.

How long does each treatment take?

Treatment time varies depending upon the size of the tattoo but generally is between 10 - 30 minutes.

Consultation Procedure

Prior to treatment you must first undergo a consultation where details about your medical history are obtained in order to confirm suitability. Before proceeding you will be asked to sign a consent form and undergo a test patch.


from £40

Hate Ingrown Hairs?

What causes ingrown hairs?

Ingrown hairs have usually grown out of the skin, curled back round and re-entered the skin. Some curl back into the hair follicle small cavities in the skin that hairs grow out of without even exiting the skin. An ingrown hair can occur when the hair follicle becomes clogged with dead skin cells, people with oily, or acne prone skin, the skin is too congested to allow the hair to grow through. This forces the hair inside it to grow sideways, which is much more likely to happen if the hair is already curly or coarse and it's recently been shaved.

Ingrown hairs can be a particular problem in areas where you may shave such as the beard area in men, and the legs, underarms and pubic area in women. In these places, the hair that grows back has a sharper edge and can easily poke back into the skin. Ingrown hairs look like pimples in the skin, and sometimes you can see the hair trapped beneath the skin. The spots can be filled with pus.

Its believed that when waxing, as the hair is being pulled against the hair growth, this distorts the hair follicles and they begin to grow in another direction and is unable to find its pore to exit the skin.

When waxing sometimes a layer of the epidermis can be removed in the process and therefore the skin rushes to repair itself and closes off the opening of the hair follicles. Then when the hair tries to grow through it becomes trapped. With people who have curly hair, most commonly in darker skin types, the hair curls back in before even leaving the skins surface.

Laser hair removal treatments are less likely to result in ingrowing hairs.

A Laser beam targets the hair follicle and destroys it, therefore eliminating any future ingrown hairs. Its proven to be highly successful and is also very popular for men who find shaving very tedious and sometimes painful afterwards due to shaving rash or ingrown hairs. For women who spend a lot of money every month on waxing, then being left with awful ingrown hairs, this is the ideal solution as firstly the hair will be gone permanently, this skin will feel and look smooth and bump/spot free, and also as with Laser Hair Removal, you don't need to leave the hair to grow in between your sessions you can shave as much as you like and come with no hair for your treatments.

Preventing ingrown hairs - Saving tips may help while having laser treatment.

Use a sharp, single-bladed razor, wet your skin with warm water and use a gel shave in the direction the hairs are growing use as few strokes of the razor as possible. Rinse the razor after every stroke and try not to shave too closely leave a bit of stubble if you can, as bacteria can enter the tiny openings of freshly shaved skin

What to do if you have ingrown hairs?

If possible, you should leave ingrown hairs for a while as they may disappear without you having to do anything.
Don't pick or scratch an ingrown hair as bacteria can enter the small wound created, increasing your risk of infection. It can also cause scarring.
You should also avoid squeezing the spots because it can damage the skin and lead to infection.
If an ingrown hair is near the surface of your skin, you could use a sterile needle or tweezers to gently tease it out. However, don't dig for the hair if it lies deep below the skin's surface.
Men who are prone to getting ingrown hairs around their face may find it best to grow out their beard. Longer hairs aren't as sharp at the ends, so are less likely to become ingrown.
Call Wish Skin Clinic on 01639 891200 or visit to book a free consultation regarding laser hair removal.


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Port Talbot
SA13 1LR

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